Contents of Pema Lingpa’s Treasures
Сollection of treasure teachings (gter chos) is an anthology of texts revealed by a particular tertön which may also include works written by the tertön, as well as supplementary material by other masters associated with the tradition.
Considered to be teachings by Padmasambhava,the treasures are placed first in the collection. Pema Lingpa’s ordinary works follow and constitute three volumes:
(1) a collection of Pema Lingpa’s ordinary compositions, Bka’ ‘bum yid bzhin gter mdzod,in vol. 13; (2) Pema Lingpa’s autobiography, ‘Od zer kun mdzes nor bu’i phreng ba, in vol. 14; and (3) an appendix to Lama Jewel Oceanin vol. 20, predominantly by Pema Lingpa. Ritual arrangements, composed by his subsequent incarnations, are placed in a single volume toward the end of the collection, Kha skong min byed dbang gi mtshams sbyor (Vol. 19). The texts in this volume were predominantly written by the Sixth Peling Sungtrul, Kunzang Tenpai Gyaltsen, and the Eighth Peling, Sungtrul Kunzang Dechen Dorje. Also near the end is a volume of liturgical materials, ‘Don cha’i skor bdud ‘jom sogs gsung (Vol. 18) by Dudjom Rinpoche, the editor of the present collection. These serve as ritual elaborations for a number of Pema Lingpa’s treasures. A hagiography of Padmasambhava, O rgyan padma ‘byung gnas kyi ‘khrung rabs sangs rgyas bstan pa’i chos byung (Vol.21) is found at the end of the collection.