It is a great pleasure to inform you about the joint initiative of H.H. Gangteng Rinpoche and Yeshe Khorlo: a Dharma center is being created in Poland. In cooperation with Gangtey Gompa in Bhutan, it will continue the teachings and practices of Pema Lingpa tradition.


We intend to create favourable conditions for the development of Dharma to serve many generations to come.

Being a great propagator of retreats, Rinpoche has always encouraged us to create a place where 3-6 months retreats and Dzogchen practices can happen. This is our primal goal. Additionally, he stressed the need to establish a centre of Buddhadharma in general. His wish manifested when we bought the land in the Stołowe Mountains in the South of Poland. It happened in April 2018 during Amitayus Drupchen practiced with H.H. Sungtrul Rinpoche. With Gangteng Tulku’s wish, Sungtrul Rinpoche visited the purchased land and performed a blessing ritual.

In July 2019, also H.H. Gangteng Rinpoche visited the place, blessed it and gave the initiation of Kurukulle to his students.

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Establishing Dharma and retreat center in Poland